Family Matters
Okay. Were going to meet my brothers and sisters!! Oldest to youngest!

James Thomas: He's the oldest of the six. James is a very influential person. ever since we were little he has always taught me to speak my mind and don't care what other people think about you. james does a lot in the community. he sacrifices his spare time to always help someone and that is what i love most about him. he is always there for me. and he is always concerned about the relevant things in life. he also is a great activist. he will let you know about any and everything that you need to know. if he were to live back in the olden days he would be an mlk or something! love you jamesy

Jolese antionette: jolese is probably one of the funniest person i know. she is very motivated to get to her dream of owning her own business. she's a really good cook/baker (i would know lol) as i grow older i now seem to notice that she is a sensitive person, in a good way! Jolese can tell you everything about nicki minaj. thats her best friend. lmao. she's apart of the turn up crew! (stay tuned) love you jolezy!

Cedric david: my best friend since birth! cedric is a very talented person. he can sing and play the keys! I've always learned from him that not everything is that serious. ced can always make me laugh even if I'm mad at him. he has the potential to be someone even more better than who he is now. i wish he knew how smart he truly was. when we were kids growing up i always copied ced and that somehow always led me to a whoopin! i love you anyways bear!

joseph lee: i swear it is nothing but jokes from this guy. he is so silly theres never a dull moment. he's the one person that will laugh at my dumbest jokes! joe is a super nerd and is so smart!! just know not to trust what comes out of his mouth and just watch his facial expressions. they will tell it all! love you jodie!

moriah kaye: i never met someone more dedicated to school as you. you work so hard and deserve everything you have coming to you. we've been through a lot together and i appreciate our bond now as adults. you are truly my right hand! also my twin! i know that when you become an attorney that you will be a great, tough one. i love you so much, sis.
oldest to youngest, youngest to old, i love them all the same. i don't think they will ever truly know the roles they play in my life. each different but so much the same. god has given me a loving family that i can look up to (yes I'm the youngest) growing up with them made everything so much funner and allowed me to gain 5 best friends. each of them hold a piece of my heart.